Grant applications
We welcome applications for grants, although each application is considered on its own merits
The area of benefit is highlighted in green.
Please read these notes before completing the application form
In line with the objects of The John Bristow and Thomas Mason Trust (JB&TMT) personal grants can be given for the promotion of education or to those
in personal need such as hardship, distress, illness, disabled or infirm. All applications will be treated in strict confidence. The Trust can also give Organisation grants to organisations in the area of benefit or to organisations outside of the area if the project is of benefit to the residents living within the boundary area.
Grants can only be made to people living in the area of benefit being the 1926 boundary of the Parish of Charlwood which includes Hookwood and
Lowfield Heath.
In line with the objects of The John Bristow and Thomas Mason Trust (JB&TMT) personal grants can be given for the promotion of education or to those
in personal need such as hardship, distress, illness, disabled or infirm. All applications will be treated in strict confidence. The Trust can also give Organisation grants to organisations in the area of benefit or to organisations outside of the area if the project is of benefit to the residents living within the boundary area.
Grants can only be made to people living in the area of benefit being the 1926 boundary of the Parish of Charlwood which includes Hookwood and
Lowfield Heath.
The Trust Secretarial contact or any of the Trustees will be pleased to advise you how to fill out the form and whether your application is likely to be eligible.
The Trust Secretarial contact or any of the Trustees will be pleased to advise you how to fill out the form and whether your application is likely to be eligible.